The Five Temptations of a CEO: A Leadership Fable
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The Five Temptations of a CEO: A Leadership Fable Audiolibro Audible – Ridotto

4,6 4,6 su 5 stelle 1.328 voti

In this stunning business fiction debut, Patrick Lencioni delivers a powerful wake-up call to all of us who dare to lead.

Young, ambitious, and overwhelmed, Andrew O'Brien personifies a part of every leader as he wanders in search of the elusive silver bullet that will propel him to success. He happens upon an unlikely guide who distills the seemingly infinite list of leadership perils into the five temptations of a CEO. In an intense and often combative exchange, the two debate fundamental issues faced by all leaders, issues involving personal integrity and effectiveness in the ongoing struggle for success. While some of these topics have been bandied about in the leadership literature for years, here they actually begin to make sense.

Refreshingly original and utterly compelling, Andrew's story will serve as a timeless and potent reminder that success as a leader can come down to practicing a few simple behaviors, behaviors that are painfully difficult for each of us to master.

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Dettagli prodotto

Durata 1 ora e 30 minuti
Autore Patrick Lencioni
Narratore Patrick Lencioni
Data di pubblicazione su 08 marzo 2006
Editore Simon & Schuster Audio
Tipo di programma Audiobook Audible
Versione Ridotto
Lingua Inglese
Posizione nella classifica Bestseller di Amazon n. 6,095 in Audiolibri Audible e Original (Visualizza i Top 100 nella categoria Audiolibri Audible e Original)
n. 18 in Gestione del tempo e produttività
n. 28 in Imprenditorialità
n. 35 in Gestione d’impresa

Recensioni clienti

4,6 su 5 stelle
4,6 su 5
1.328 valutazioni globali

Recensione migliore da Italia

Recensito in Italia il 25 febbraio 2018
I found the book nice to read, but same concepts are better explained in his successive book. nonentheless there ara some different shades that can be appreciated

Le recensioni migliori da altri paesi

Traduci tutte le recensioni in Italiano
Ryan H
5,0 su 5 stelle Awesome
Recensito in Canada il 19 luglio 2023
An exceptionally written book, very concise with no fillers, and speaks to the seemingly easy stuff as a leader that we don’t always do. Cant wait to apply this.
5,0 su 5 stelle Amazing content and an eye-opener
Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 24 ottobre 2020
Recommend this book to all leaders out there trying to improve their leadership skills. The content on this book is concise and very insightful. It’s going to make you reflect about your leadership style and also about what you can do to improve yourself. One quick comment though. Make sure you start reading this book when you have a plenty of time, because when you start it, you’re not going to stop it!
Kanchan Singh Satpathy
5,0 su 5 stelle A great read!!
Recensito in India il 30 marzo 2020
A fabulously reiterated read with each point well laid out and explained. It’s a ready recliner for any CEO. A grounding tool.
Peter D
5,0 su 5 stelle Worth reading.
Recensito nel Regno Unito il 20 marzo 2018
Eminently readable. Entertainingly insightful. Have recommended it to colleagues. Definitely worth a read for middle and upper management, whether you hope to climb further or just to sit in judgement of those who aspire further. More importantly, the lessons here have value even if you aren't a CEO.
5,0 su 5 stelle Fantastic read!
Recensito in Australia il 20 dicembre 2018
Simple and powerful concept on why CEOs fail and told in an engaging parable, reinforced by model and self assessment tool. I will recommend it to any one wanting learn and improve their leadership skills.