The Outsiders
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The Outsiders Audiolibro Audible – Edizione integrale

4,7 4,7 su 5 stelle 36.561 voti

Ponyboy can count on his brothers. And on his friends. But not on much else besides trouble with the Socs, a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a good time is beating up "greasers" like Ponyboy. At least he knows what to expect, until the night someone takes things too far.

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Dettagli prodotto

Durata 5 ore e 9 minuti
Autore S. E. Hinton
Narratore Jim Fyfe
Data di pubblicazione su 22 luglio 2004
Editore Listening Library
Tipo di programma Audiobook Audible
Versione Edizione integrale
Lingua Inglese
Posizione nella classifica Bestseller di Amazon n. 1,718 in Audiolibri Audible e Original (Visualizza i Top 100 nella categoria Audiolibri Audible e Original)
n. 4 in Narrativa su Famiglia per ragazzi
n. 9 in Narrativa su Situazioni difficili per ragazzi
n. 359 in Narrativa sulla violenza per ragazzi

Recensioni clienti

4,7 su 5 stelle
4,7 su 5
36.561 valutazioni globali
Stay Gold
5 Stelle
Stay Gold
... Eccellente acquisto... come l'edizione originale solo in condizioni migliori ad un prezzo accessibile... scritto in un inglese fluido e molto chiaro per chiunque vuole iniziare con la lettera in lingua...Assolutamente raccomando...Stay Gold
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Recensioni migliori da Italia

Recensito in Italia il 9 marzo 2020
Libro che ti entra dentro!Impossibile non immedesimarsi in almeno un personaggio.Il libro mostra la cruda realtà di una cittadina degli anni 60, tratta le storie di ragazzini perlopiù, quelli ricchi(i socials) in costante conflitto con quelli poveri (Greasers).
Impossibile non amare i Greasers, che sono tosti,reali ed emotivi. In quelli ricchi, non c'è nulla di reale oltre alle Mustang che guidano e ai beni materiali. Consiglio il libro a chiunque se lo trovi davanti. La morale è molto profonda e vera.Incredibile che Susan Hinton abbia scritto il libro a soli 17 anni.
Il messaggio, poi, è molto forte soprattutto verso la fine quando Johnny dice a Ponyboy "stay gold" che fa riferimento a una poesia che i due amici adoravano.Con "stay gold" che si traduce con "rimani d'oro", è come se Johnny volesse dire "rimani reale, rimani fedele a te stesso"... Stupendo a dir poco.
Se vi piacciono i temi anticonvenzionali con persone che non hanno paura, il libro è per voi!
2 persone l'hanno trovato utile
Recensito in Italia il 2 febbraio 2021
It came in perfect condition and as an Italian high school student I can say it was really well written easy to understand
Recensito in Italia il 29 aprile 2020
... Eccellente acquisto... come l'edizione originale solo in condizioni migliori ad un prezzo accessibile... scritto in un inglese fluido e molto chiaro per chiunque vuole iniziare con la lettera in lingua...Assolutamente raccomando...Stay Gold
Immagine cliente
5,0 su 5 stelle Stay Gold
Recensito in Italia il 29 aprile 2020
... Eccellente acquisto... come l'edizione originale solo in condizioni migliori ad un prezzo accessibile... scritto in un inglese fluido e molto chiaro per chiunque vuole iniziare con la lettera in lingua...Assolutamente raccomando...Stay Gold
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Una persona l'ha trovato utile
Recensito in Italia il 6 dicembre 2021
Il libro forse noto ai più con la più nota traduzione dei "ragazzi della 56a strada" (ha ispirato anche il film, recuperatelo e integratelo) lo ritengo sicuramente un ottimo specchio in grado di mettere su carta la cruda realtà dei quartieri poveri di una città che scorre e corre inesorabile nel tempo. I giovani ragazzi della storia sono accomunati da difficoltà economiche e dall'avere alle famiglie poco presenti e talora violente. I ragazzi della storia trovano nel radunarsi in banda l'essere parte di una particolare ''elite'' in cui tutti ci si guarda le spalle l'un l'altro, al di sopra del resto. Viene narrata una violenza e una crudezza che hanno la peculiarità di avvolgere il degrado sia morale sia materiale senza trascurare atteggiamenti di coraggio e altruismo. È un romanzo che può essere definito tanto drammatico quanto di formazione che spinge a numerose riflessioni socio economiche, sull'immutabilita o meno del tempo e della vita. Consigliato.

Ho scelto la versione inglese perché credo sia un buon romanzo da leggere per chi vuole cimentarsi in lingua straniera per migliorare le skill di lettura e vocabolario.
2 persone l'hanno trovato utile
Recensito in Italia il 23 febbraio 2018
Non ho letto io personalmente il libro,ma l’ho letto il mio figlio,perché lo prevedeva il programma scolastico. Comunque é rimasto soddisfatto e gli ha piaciuto l’argomento è il racconto in generale ,a parte che si legge in modo molto fluido.

Le recensioni migliori da altri paesi

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M Monica
5,0 su 5 stelle Excited that my child is reading this
Recensito negli Stati Uniti il 26 aprile 2024
I'm thrilled to find that my own child is reading this book for school; it was one of my favorite books when I was his age. Many of the slang and terms used in the book seem dated now, 60 years hence, but the themes and general message of the book are very much pertinent to today's kids - and have been for as long as its been in publication. The perils of peer pressure, the distinctions between the "haves" and "have nots," and even gang activity and bullying still ring true today. I hope he enjoys it as much as I did, and I'm so glad teachers are still teaching it to middle school students in 2024.
Cliente Kindle
5,0 su 5 stelle Não há um erro!
Recensito in Brasile il 30 settembre 2023
O melhor livro que já li. Me prendeu do início ao fim, com bons personagens, boas ambientações e uma história bem escrita. Muito especial!
Simon Omnes
5,0 su 5 stelle A classic that still remains impactful today
Recensito in Canada il 29 luglio 2022
Like millions of students in North American schools, I discovered S.E. Hinton’s classic The Outsiders during my English classes. As a semester reading, her debut novel has always been included in many classes’ curriculums. And among the books I read at school, it was one of the best novels to study.

Set over two weeks, The Outsiders recounts the trials of Ponyboy, a greaser who lives with his brothers Daryl and Sodapop after their parents passed away from a car accident eight months ago. Struggling in poverty and difficult conditions, that family nevertheless survives daily hardships thanks to Daryl and Soda’s friends; a group of greasers involving comrades like Two-Bit, Johnny, and Dally. Together, they help each other and also confront the Socs; upper-class dandies who live in luxurious conditions and who fight with the Greasers as the latter represents the poorer middle class. Therefore, it is within this social war that Ponyboy lives while he studies at school, rests at home, and enjoys his free time in cinemas, watching movies alone, or with his friends like Two-Bit, Johnny, and Dally like he decided one Saturday. An initiative that makes them meet two girls linked to the Socs; generating a tragic incident affecting Ponyboy and his friends forever.

Set around 1965, The Outsiders makes references to pop culture figures like Elvis Presley (Greasers music) and The Beatles (Socs music), so for those who enjoy listening to music while, there are great Spotify playlists that present 1960s music. As a musical companion, it sets us right into the decade. An era of revolution, changes, and social confrontations. A story between two social groups in a middle-American town named Tulsa, Oklahoma. Furthermore, another crucial reference piece is Gone with the Wind, the classic by Margaret Mitchell. Read by Ponyboy to Johnny, this literary mention made me discover this classic which I started researching and it made me learn more about its movie adaptation and its novel.

As for The Outsiders‘s importance, its publication was revolutionary as it changed the landscapes of Young Adult and Teen literature. Back then, most stories published in those genres revolved around girl crushes, High School proms, and Sports teams. But here, S.E. Hinton presented a plotline about teens in emotional and social turmoils; living social classes discrimination and fighting to survive; and where a very good-hearted teenager tries to reveal to everyone how socs and greasers are the same. Living in different classes, but struggling with social codes and life reality.

So it is due to this capture of rough teen life that the book has been banned in certain schools and libraries. Nevertheless, its constant praises, words of mouth, and school readings have helped make it a best-seller for fifty years. With over 13 million copies sold by 2007; 40th anniversary of the book. And for this occasion, the Viking publisher released a special edition; featuring the original cover and printing typography inside. So when people read this copy, it is as if they hold the first edition in their hands. An edition that I find more rewarding and impressive than the so-so paperback edition I read at school that featured some heartthrob 1980s or 1990s teens. Indeed, the Original illustration is presented under pop art colors, dots, and hand-drawn squares. With the protagonists, drawn in rough-stick figures, running toward something (showdown between the Greasers and the Socs). A cover that helps make the novel accessible to adult readers who might want to read it, but might be too embarrassed to show that they are reading a teen novel.

By the way, that S.E. Hinton wrote the story while in high school helps make the prose more raw and accurate to what a teen feels inside; with all the questions, anger, and doubts that teens go through as they see drama between two cliques. Had an older author written the novel, the words’ emotional and dramatic intensity might not have been as impactful.

And as for the open-ending, it makes us wonder how will the story evolve for Ponyboy and his family. For the best or the worst? So what we have here is a recorded capture of two weeks that Ponyboy lives; where his life evolved through a rollercoaster of dramas and tragedies. And it is from that moment that we develop empathy for its protagonists. A team of youngsters trying to survive.

About the movie adaptation, it was directed by Francis Ford Coppola himself, and it stars icons like Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, Patrick Swayze, Tom Cruise, and other 1980s icons. I remember seeing the film, but I think it was the theatrical version; not the complete version that the director presented in a DVD release, featuring a new soundtrack and thirty minutes of extra scenes, making it more faithful to the novel.

So overall, rereading The Outsiders 22 years later was quite an experience. It helped me recapture the feelings I experienced back then. An amazing time travel within a novel that I recommend everyone to read as the book’s reality is still actual. For it is a painting about how gangs and groups in conflict with each other are so similar in their pains and joys. A reality that some people still refuse to recognize sadly.
2 persone l'hanno trovato utile
Julio Cesar Ceballos
5,0 su 5 stelle Buen producto, bien empacado.
Recensito in Messico il 5 luglio 2022
Lo recibí en excelentes condiciones, bien empacado y acorde a lonque esperaba.
5,0 su 5 stelle It is exactly as described
Recensito nel Regno Unito il 21 marzo 2024
It was for my daughter for school but it came in great condition